Thursday, 17 May 2012

Owl in the City

I looked out the office window the other day, and the City was hosting an event downtown, where they were showing off city services and attractions. It seemed like a fun way to pass lunch, so I headed out to see what was what... and discovered that the local zoo had brought 3 raptors to show off!

This is Cortez, a South American Spectacled Owl from Edmonton's Valley Zoo. He was very calm, but definitely aware of and interested in what was going on around him. He only tried to take a nibble out of one person, and even then it seemed like only a half-hearted attempt - he didn't move very fast! It was also quite warm out, so he may have been feeling a bit lethargic. The zookeeper was paying close attention to signs that the heat was getting to Cortez.

And this is a close-up of the foot of Cortez! I'd rather not find myself on the wrong side of those powerful talons. The detail of the feathers is also great, I love how sharply in focus this image is.

This was an amazing experience. To be so close to this bird - I even got to pet his chest! Beautiful bird.

First image: 1/250 exposure, f/4.5 aperture, ISO 80, 19.8mm focal length (the slight zoom was just to minimize the background)

Second image: 1/200 exposure, f/4.5 aperture, ISO 100, 22.4mm focal length (slightly zoomed in to focus on the foot)

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

A Day in the Life of the World

If you were not already aware, today is a special day for photographers, professional and amateur alike, around the world! Here's the link and description they've provided:

Photograph on May 15th!

You have one day to join thousands around the world in using the power of photography to create, share and compare perspectives on daily life! Don't miss it! You can upload your images until May 22nd.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Interesting portraits

I saw this little article today and I just love the idea! These are photos taken of various individuals in and out of their work uniforms - out of uniform means they are in their ordinary street clothes, not nude! The eclectic nature of the jobs is wonderful, and include a bishop and a geisha!

Monday, 7 May 2012


I was taking a series of images of several large pieces of equipment. Starting up close, I would move back and take another picture every few steps. I held the camera at the same position throughout, without recomposing the shot. Several times I paused to allow people to pass easily, including for this man.

Except as he passed, he stopped and asked if I wanted a picture! I said sure, if he would like, and he happily walked up next to the huge tire. I did stay with my same purpose, and I did not recompose the shot. I actually think it looks neat with part of it cut off on the top and right. And the man in the picture really gives it a sense of scale. He's also got such a pleasant, easy smile. I got one shot and said thank you quickly as he carried on his way.

1/200 sec exposure, f/4.0 aperture, ISO 80, 5mm focal length

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Looking through lines

This man spent a few minutes joking with me and teasing me good naturedly as I took pictures of some large machinery in a downtown square. When he left, I set up a shot through these tubes and wires, only to have him pass on the other side. He made a joke about being in my way, but he really made the picture!

I loved the idea of shooting through the linkages, but there was nothing really to focus on on the other side. The other picture I took just looks messy and confused. But with his great, laughing face in the middle, this man gives a bit of focus to the other side of the tubes.

1/200 sec exposure, f/4.5 aperture, ISO 125, 25.2 focal length

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Random Saturday: Stroller

I was walking downtown and saw this stroller...  just sitting at a bus stop, alone. It was there for several hours, but did eventually go away, so it may or may not have actually been abandoned.

My first thought definitely was that it was abandoned, so I intentionally took the shot from a ways back. With no people in the picture, it seems to me that it adds to that lonely feeling - a stroller alone on a city street? No parent, no child? It would be even better without the bright strawberry on the bench ad. Then all the colours would be of a drab grey or brown nature and just add to that feeling of abandonment.

1/160 sec exposure, f/4 aperture, ISO 80, 5mm focal length

Friday, 4 May 2012

Spring has sprung!

Please Note: We are preparing to move, so posts will likely be a little spotty for the next 4 weeks or so.

Okay, I admit it, I took this picture on March 31st. So it would have been cooler to post it then, when it felt like we were still in the grips of winter around here, but I didn't.

My irises came back! I planted several last year, but really didn't look after them well or do any of the things that I think you are supposed to do to keep them happy and coming back for a second year. But the hardy little things did it anyway. It was a great pleasure to see them as an early sign of spring.

I took this very quickly in passing, so no great attention was paid to camera settings. Please also ignore the dead plants from last year - those have not all been cleaned out, although some of the annuals appear intent on returning as well!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Chess... as it would be in Alice in Wonderland

As I mentioned last week, there are some great games brought out to the square outside my office each summer. Sometimes, this includes a rather large chess set. Over the course of the day, I caught several different groups using it.

I seem to have caught these two right at the end of their game, and it looked like they were cleaning up. Thanks guys!

Then I caught these kids...

They were obviously having fun, although no chess playing occurred.

These gentlemen seemed to be having a pretty serious game - they even brought chairs!

Anyway, it's always fun watching the comings and goings on the square, and as it's the centre for many summer events, you may well see more pictures of it on these pages in the future!