Sunday, 30 September 2012

Great Blue Heron

Absolutely at the distance limit of what my camera could manage clearly. But it is very obvious that this is indeed a Great Blue Heron. We actually followed him for quite a while, unintentionally. When we got too close (which wasn't close at all) he would take off, and watching him in flight was just breath-taking.

1/160 sec, f/5.7, ISO 80, 100mm focal length

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Pretty Butterfly

Had to track this one for quite a while before it settled enough for me to get this picture. And I'm very pleased with the results of my patience! I'm of two minds about whether I should crop this one. On one hand, I'd like to focus in a little more on the butterfly, but on the other hand, I love the contract with the rocky ground.

1/640 sec, f/5.7, 100mm focal length, ISO 160

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Coloured Fire

So many things are wrong with this picture... but the colours are so right!

1/4 sec (with tripod), f/3.5, ISO 200, focal length 10.4mm

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Plains Bison

A Plains Bison. (And I have learned that buffalo is not the singular of bison, it's a different species.) This shot was taken from the safety of a large van. I was not the driver, and he was ready to bolt if this guy had looked bothered by us. He never showed any care for our presence.

1/320 sec, f/4.5 aperture, ISO 80, 19.8mm focal length

Monday, 24 September 2012

Tips for Improving Wildlife Photography

Are you looking for some tips to improve your photography of wildlife? As you may have noticed on these pages, it's one of my favourite subjects. If you enjoy it, or just want to get better in case the opportunity arises, the Digital Photography School offers this article with 10 Tips for Improving Your Wildlife Photography. And even if you aren't in to shooting this kind of image, the pictures used as examples are worth clicking the link, all by themselves.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Blue Dragonfly

This guy was not feeling well, so pictures were easy to get. I got him off the road by coaxing him on to my bus pass, and then after a while I moved him to the grass, where I thought he'd be safer. Anyway, his lethargy gave me the opportunity for an amazingly clear and close picture!

1/30sec, f/5.0, focal length 62.5mm, ISO 80

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Random Saturday: Cleo Drives

There is nothing stellar about this picture, except for the subject. Cleo wanted to see where her other human had gotten off to! What amused me the most is that she is too light to honk the horn.

When you are a super curious pup, sometimes you just need to get higher! Just don't ask how she steers with all four paws on the wheel.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Too good to miss

This duck was diving for lunch under the water. The view was priceless - including the feet visible beneath the surface of the water! Strangely, I actually like that it's off-center. Usually I'm not fond of it, but this one works. Maybe that's because it's only a little off?

1/125 sec, f/5.0 aperture, ISO 80, focal length 41.4mm

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Candies in Water

Are you looking for some inspiration? A creative idea to break you out of a rut you're in? Take a look at these beautiful candies photographed in water drops.

Monday, 17 September 2012


Lovely shot of a bee taken while waiting for people to clear out so I could put a geocache back in to hiding! I need to crop this one to bring the focus more on the bee, since it's quite sharp and the wings are fairly detailed.

1/400sec, f/5.7, ISO 80, focal length 100mm

Sunday, 16 September 2012

A long absence

A long time since the last post! Between having a broken computer for several weeks amd yhe amount of time spent on my two new favourite hobbies, the blog has fallen by the wayside. (Those hobbies are playing with/teasing the puppy, and Geocaching.) My camera does provide great cover though, when I'm trying to be stealthy in hunting for a geocache. I've gotten some great shots while waiting for people to walk past, so I can dive back in to the bushes or a tree!

Like this one! It probably breaks a million "rules" - like rule of thirds, since the bird is smack in the middle of the shot. But for me, it works.