I took this picture early in the day, before I decided the flash was just screwing everything up.
Viewed on the camera screen, I thought this was awful. There was no context! The flash had brightened the white flowers and killed the entire background! When I saw it on my computer screen, however, I liked it a lot more. I think it looks neat the way the flowers almost seem to be floating in nothingness.
I did clone out a little bit of stem at the bottom and played a little with the brightness and sharpness. But nothing too severe. I like the droplets of water on the petals, too. :)
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Monday, 30 December 2013
Fall colours
This one I played with a little bit in post-processing.
This scene and therefore the image already had great colours. Late fall gave the gorgeous reds and oranges, and the sun was setting, leaving the pinks on the left. The water was quite still, giving a very beautiful reflection. So, what did I do to this?
First, I cropped it. I actually cut out most of the sunset, because that isn't what I wanted to focus on. Then I added some "warmth" to the picture. It gave the sky a slightly odd cast, but I think it made the rest of the colours pop even more. Third, I increased the saturation a bit, again, just to bring out those gorgeous colours even more.
I love this picture.
This scene and therefore the image already had great colours. Late fall gave the gorgeous reds and oranges, and the sun was setting, leaving the pinks on the left. The water was quite still, giving a very beautiful reflection. So, what did I do to this?
First, I cropped it. I actually cut out most of the sunset, because that isn't what I wanted to focus on. Then I added some "warmth" to the picture. It gave the sky a slightly odd cast, but I think it made the rest of the colours pop even more. Third, I increased the saturation a bit, again, just to bring out those gorgeous colours even more.
I love this picture.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Leafy Waterfall
I go back and forth a lot on whether I like this one or not!
I do like the contrast between the large, colourful leaves that are sharply in focus and the muted rocks and waterfall in the background that are softly blurred. Maybe it's just the angle I'm not sure of. Anyway, minimal post-processing here. I cropped out some distractions to either side and did a very slight smidge of sharpening.
I do like the contrast between the large, colourful leaves that are sharply in focus and the muted rocks and waterfall in the background that are softly blurred. Maybe it's just the angle I'm not sure of. Anyway, minimal post-processing here. I cropped out some distractions to either side and did a very slight smidge of sharpening.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Blue Poinsettias
This is not as sharp as I would like, but it's still a fun and pretty picture.
I should maybe have darkened this one a bit. Hmm... Anyway, I did change the horizon so that I could get a nicer crop, cropped it heavily, and tried to sharpen it a little bit. It's hard to see, but the blue leaves also have sparkles on them! :) (Yes, the snow is very fake. This was an indoor display.)
I should maybe have darkened this one a bit. Hmm... Anyway, I did change the horizon so that I could get a nicer crop, cropped it heavily, and tried to sharpen it a little bit. It's hard to see, but the blue leaves also have sparkles on them! :) (Yes, the snow is very fake. This was an indoor display.)
Data Management: The Mundane Side of Photography
A very nice article about storing all those photos.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Littlest Rainbow
FYI it is very hard for a camera to focus on a rainbow! Apparently the sensors can't figure out what/where/why.
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Beautiful Girl
My Cleo is a little exhausted by all the paparazzi!
I love everything about this picture. Taken with my macro lens, I love the DOF.
I love everything about this picture. Taken with my macro lens, I love the DOF.
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
30 Day Challenge: Take 2
Looking back through old blog posts, it would appear I never actually shared the original 30 day challenge list. So here it is. On to the new!
I have wanted to take another stab at this challenge. I enjoyed it for the most part, but there were items that didn't suit my interests and other things I thought were missing. Therefore, I'm editing the original list to better reflect my own photography goals and interests! I will begin on January 1.
The one thing I'm struggling with is the order. I'm currently leaning towards being a little flexible with the actual order these are done in, since many need a specific location or can't be dictated. (I can't force a bird to appear on the appropriate day, as much as I would like to! And I'm not going searching for one if it's 30 below.)
Here's my challenge. Let me know if you're going to join me!
I have wanted to take another stab at this challenge. I enjoyed it for the most part, but there were items that didn't suit my interests and other things I thought were missing. Therefore, I'm editing the original list to better reflect my own photography goals and interests! I will begin on January 1.
The one thing I'm struggling with is the order. I'm currently leaning towards being a little flexible with the actual order these are done in, since many need a specific location or can't be dictated. (I can't force a bird to appear on the appropriate day, as much as I would like to! And I'm not going searching for one if it's 30 below.)
Here's my challenge. Let me know if you're going to join me!
Monday, 23 December 2013
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Christmas: Ornament 2
Another cell phone picture. Again, I'm quite pleased with the crispness and DOF on this one. I loved how shiny and sparkly this ornament was!
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Christmas Angel
An older picture from a set that convinced me hand held just doesn't work at night. :) Cropped and slightly sharpened.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Save on a how-to Video!
An email today from the Digital Photography School:
On the eighth day of Christmas dPS gave to me ...
A 30% saving on the FroKnows Photos Beginner Training Course
You can watch a sample and pick up a copy here:
http://froknowsphoto.com/ dps12days/
One thing is for certain The Fro does know photos and in his entertaining, but very practical training course he’s going to drag you out of auto-mode and get you taking the photos you want.
It’s really hard to look away when Jared is in front of the camera, his upbeat and high energy approach ensures a fun and enjoyable learning experience.
This makes it a training program you’re actually going to see through to the end, with a big smile on your face and a whole bunch of new photography skills.
Today you can enrol in this GEM of a course for just $47 -- a never seen before discount.
All the details and a sample of what to expect in these courses can be found through the link below. It's worth having a look even just for the intro video.
http://froknowsphoto.com/ dps12days/
All the best,
Darren Rowse
PS: You can also grab both Fros Beginners Video Guide (above) AND his new 3-hour guide to Flash Photography for just $97 -- a saving of 38%! Details here: http://froknowsphoto.com/ dps12days/
On the eighth day of Christmas dPS gave to me ...
A 30% saving on the FroKnows Photos Beginner Training Course
You can watch a sample and pick up a copy here:
One thing is for certain The Fro does know photos and in his entertaining, but very practical training course he’s going to drag you out of auto-mode and get you taking the photos you want.
It’s really hard to look away when Jared is in front of the camera, his upbeat and high energy approach ensures a fun and enjoyable learning experience.
This makes it a training program you’re actually going to see through to the end, with a big smile on your face and a whole bunch of new photography skills.
Today you can enrol in this GEM of a course for just $47 -- a never seen before discount.
All the details and a sample of what to expect in these courses can be found through the link below. It's worth having a look even just for the intro video.
All the best,
Darren Rowse
PS: You can also grab both Fros Beginners Video Guide (above) AND his new 3-hour guide to Flash Photography for just $97 -- a saving of 38%! Details here: http://froknowsphoto.com/
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Christmas: Poinsettia
Ho ho ho! Time to get in the spirit of the season and enjoy some holiday themed pictures!
I was really quite impressed with how well this came out - because it's a cell phone picture! This is a very pretty Poinsettia. I contemplated stealing it.
I was really quite impressed with how well this came out - because it's a cell phone picture! This is a very pretty Poinsettia. I contemplated stealing it.
still life
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Wildlife Wedneday: Rabbit
Because I haven't posted one of our amazing urban jackrabbits in a long time.
This was for a photo class assignment. The goal was to frame something - so this little one is framed by the tree branches.
This was for a photo class assignment. The goal was to frame something - so this little one is framed by the tree branches.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
SAIT building
I was a little early getting to a meeting-type-thing at SAIT in Calgary, so I thought I would stretch my legs a bit and get some air before heading inside for the next several hours. I found this really neat building, and grabbed a quick picture of it. I think it's fun, but it doesn't annoy me by wasting precious space on the ground.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Old Truck of Awesomeness
I loved this truck when I saw it.
I loved it more when the owner started it up so I could see the brake lights! They would look AMAZING at night.
I loved it more when the owner started it up so I could see the brake lights! They would look AMAZING at night.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Sunset on the go
This photo was taken through a dirty bus window (thus the spots). This is the result of burying you good camera at the bottom of your bag!
This photo was a guinea pig for using the Aviary app on my phone to edit a picture. Adjusting contrast, brightness, at saturation were incredibly simple. For quick edits, I'm already in love.
Pros: surprisingly sharp - I was expecting blurry since we were charging down the highway at 110+ km/hr
Cons: spots spots spots. Tilted horizon - or maybe that's just hills that make it look that way, but still. a little bit ick.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Is this a museum?
Not the types of objects you see every day... a real payphone and TWO paper phone books!
I took this picture with my cell phone. It's not a great shot and I was trying to avoid being too obvious to all the people milling around! But I took it anyway and I'm posting it because it's part of my idea to look in all places for photo opportunities. From straight on I think this might be a really neat image, with that brilliantly yellow wall. (Yes, Butterdome.)
Friday, 13 December 2013
Turtle in Turtle Town
After posting yesterday's picture of the fish in Turtle Town, I suddenly realized I've never shared the turtle who came to visit us in Turtle Town!
Turtle Town is an area on the coast of Maui where many turtles like to live. This one came swimming out to our boat, and actually ended up swimming right under us! Stunning, amazing, incredible...
Turtle Town is an area on the coast of Maui where many turtles like to live. This one came swimming out to our boat, and actually ended up swimming right under us! Stunning, amazing, incredible...
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Wildlife Wednesday: Mountain Sheep
Once again, shot from inside the car - this time on my own side of the vehicle though! Jasper National Park.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Helping Hand
This is not actually a junk yard!
At Chump Car 2011, the man who drove the crane truck was very helpful when not needed to get broken vehicles off the track. He lifted this car on and off a raised area so the team could work underneath it more easily. Beautiful image with the setting sun in the background.
At Chump Car 2011, the man who drove the crane truck was very helpful when not needed to get broken vehicles off the track. He lifted this car on and off a raised area so the team could work underneath it more easily. Beautiful image with the setting sun in the background.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Wandering around Toulouse, France, we found a beautiful park... with peacocks and peahens, just wandering around! What wonders you find in a milder climate. :)
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Little Lizard
This adorable little one is just tiny. Wish I'd had a macro lens back then! Or at least taken the time to use the macro setting on my camera.
(Taken in Bayonne, France)
(Taken in Bayonne, France)
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Classic car
I love classic cars, and here is another one that has been beautifully restored.
And the dash - so simple, clean, gorgeous!
And the dash - so simple, clean, gorgeous!
Friday, 6 December 2013
View from La Romieu
Yesterday I showed you the doorway to a flight of narrow stairs. Well, I DID climb (and descend) those horrible stairs, and I was rewarded with this view, about half way up. (The mesh around the top spoiled my pictures, but the view was incredible.) It's really beautiful countryside.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Tiny Passage
The picture isn't straight. I'm not up to fixing it right now. Let's move on.
This small doorway to a small, narrow, tall, twisty stairway is in a stunningly beautiful church in La Romieu, France. The church was built before Europe knew there was a "new world". Walking on stones laid so long ago was an amazing experience.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Young Deer
On Flickr I captioned this one "What big ears you have..."
I was the passenger, and this little one was on the driver's side. Taken in Jasper National Park.
I was the passenger, and this little one was on the driver's side. Taken in Jasper National Park.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Tips from the pros
I haven't posted an outside link in ages! Here's a good one. (15) Photography Tips That 96 Photographers Wish They Would Have Learned Sooner. (The title makes the article sound scary, but it is boiled down to 15 fairly concise tips.)
Monday, 2 December 2013
Sunday, 1 December 2013
These limos mark one end of a salvage yard. Very creative! I like the dark sky with the (mostly) white limos.
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