Tuesday 24 December 2013

30 Day Challenge: Take 2

Looking back through old blog posts, it would appear I never actually shared the original 30 day challenge list. So here it is. On to the new!

I have wanted to take another stab at this challenge. I enjoyed it for the most part, but there were items that didn't suit my interests and other things I thought were missing. Therefore, I'm editing the original list to better reflect my own photography goals and interests! I will begin on January 1.

The one thing I'm struggling with is the order. I'm currently leaning towards being a little flexible with the actual order these are done in, since many need a specific location or can't be dictated. (I can't force a bird to appear on the appropriate day, as much as I would like to! And I'm not going searching for one if it's 30 below.)

Here's my challenge. Let me know if you're going to join me!

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