Sunday 1 January 2012

First of the new year!

There's nothing outrageously special about this picture, but I love it.

Yes, he's centered, I made no attempt at rule of thirds or whatever else. I like the context he is given by the paddock in front and the fence and trees in behind. It was quite bright out for his pale body, so I did change the exposure bias (as Flickr calls it, I'm sure it has many different names) to a -1. It makes the rest of the picture maybe a tad dark, but I think it really brings out the variations in his coat. I like that he's just looking slightly towards the camera, but otherwise it's a full side view, so you get a good look at him. Lovely!

My plan for the blog for 2012... I'm thrilled I managed to get a post in for every single day of December, even though I was traveling which sometimes made it quite difficult - and quite late! (The one for Dec 31 wasn't quite as late in the day as it seems, since I'm currently in an earlier time zone, but didn't change the time for the blog.) My rough goal for this year is to continue to post daily, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss a day here or there. I hope to post about 5 pictures per week, with the other two days consisting of tips, links to other websites or tutorials or things like the 30 Day Challenge. If you ever have any suggestions or ideas for things you'd like to see, let me know in the comments on any post!

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